Why have a residents’ association (Persatuan Penduduk)?

A residents' association (RA) is a group of residents who have come together from an area, estate or block because they want to raise issues that affect them. Residents' associations are concerned about:

Ø  Dog nuisance

Ø  Repairs

Ø  Rents

Ø  Noise nuisance

Ø  Crime on the estate

Ø  Anti-social behaviour

Ø  Area housing office (Majlis Perbandaran Sepang) performance

Ø  Vandalism

Ø  Play groups

Ø  Future improvements

Ø  Youth issues

Ø  Play facilities

Ø  Raising funds

Ø  Day trips

Ø  Pensioners' clubs

Ø  Increasing a sense of community

Ø  Council policies

Why start an association?

v  An RA that is democratically elected and has more voice and influence in getting things changed, than one individual voice.

v  An RA can influence housing policies, via the area housing forum and Majlis Perbandaran Sepang Council.

v  Tenant groups and the council work together to select the right targets, concentrate on the real problems and find the best solutions.

v  You can meet people from your area and organise social events.

v  You will be building up the community spirit of your area.

v  It enables people on the same area to share experiences, skills and knowledge.

v  You can lobby for improvements to your area by talking directly with local authorities involved in proposed schemes to change the local area.

v  It gives people on an estate the information from which to progress to other forms of tenant involvement such as tenant management organisations.

v  RAs can become the main local body for consultation when the council undertakes major projects.


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