31 December 2013

Happy 2014

May this New year Brings you Everlasting Happiness, Peace & Success
Great Health to you & your family
Fills your home with joy
President &  Executive Committee members

12 December 2013

Majlis Terima Tugas Ketua Polis IPD Sepand

Our Secretary was invited to Majlis Terima Tugas Ketua Polis IPD Sepang at IPD Sepang.
The event to mark the handover Sepang District Headquarter to acting OCPD DSP Zaldino by Supt Imran, Supt Imran leaving IPD Sepang to further his studies. DSP Zaldino Zaludin will head IPD Sepang until new OCPD being posted in future.
(L)OCPD Supt Imran Rahman (R) Acting OCPD DSP Zaldino Zaludin

S/Insp Aziz Ali Ketua Balai Putra Perdana receiving Surat Penghagaian from OCPD Supt Imran Rahman

(L-R: En Hasnal Tmn Putra Perdana, S/Insp Aziz Ali Ketua Balai Putra Perdana Terence Choong)
Arrival of SAC Hasanuddin bin Hassan Ketua Jabatan Pengurusan IPKSelangor

Handover of IPD Sepang ceremony

04 December 2013

Program Jana Pendapatan Tambahan

Program Jana Pendapatan Tambahan & Program Membara (Membantu Rakyat)

About Digital Malaysia

About Digital Malaysia
Digital Malaysia is a national programme based on three strategic thrusts to advance the country towards a developed digital economy by 2020. It will create an ecosystem that promotes the pervasive use of ICT in all aspects of the economy to connect communities globally and interact in real time resulting in increased Gross National Income, enhanced productivity and improved standards of living. This will result in a developed digital economy that connects and empowers government, businesses and citizens.

DM is underpinned by three (3) strategic thrusts that have been identified as critical game changers:

    Supply to Demand-Focused
    Currently the Malaysian public sector spends almost 54% of its ICT investment on building information-based infrastructure. Initiatives such as the High Speed Broadband project have successfully ensured that the supply of the ICT infrastructure needed to prepare this nation for the change is in place. In order to fully leverage on the existing initiatives, Digital Malaysia will focus on initiating more demand-focused activities that will maximise usage of existing information and infrastructure to enhance ROI before obsolescence sets in. Digital Malaysia also targets to develop industries especially new sources of growth that will create high-value jobs.

    Consumption to Production-Centric
    Malaysians are no strangers to the internet. We consume information and use the internet extensively for social networking, news and research but Malaysians have yet to fully capitalise on the internet for revenue generation. Digital Malaysia intends to create platforms and programmes to nurture and grow netizens to become producer-consumers or prosumers. It also plans to create new income generation opportunities via new digital business models.

    Low Knowledge-Add to High Knowledge-Add
    Currently Malaysian companies have low business ICT usage, as well as low knowledge-intensive activities and outputs. Malaysian SMEs’ contribution to GDP also remains low, at 32%. Digital Malaysia will promote innovative digital business models that will drive the creation of high-value products and services. Through its projects, it will also target to increase productivity of employees through automation and innovative digital tools.


The digital sphere consists of the interaction between people, services and technology online to create benefits for all. In the digital economy, online networking and communication infrastructures provide a global platform for people, organisations and businesses to interact, communicate, collaborate and share information.

About Digital Malaysia
About Digital Malaysia
About Digital Malaysia